Confidential adviser (vertrouwenspersoon)

Basic training course Confidential adviser (for employees)

This training course is aimed at (new) confidential advisers who want to lay a good foundation for their role. As a result of this day, the confidential adviser has knowledge of the legal framework and the skills for conducting a reception interview.

Undesirable behaviour

Bullying, intimidation, informal leadership…undesirable behaviour occurs in every organisation. As a confidential adviser, you will then be consulted. What do you recommend? What are the points of attention in communication and in the relationship with management?

After this SBI Formaat training, you will have insight into the desired attitude and skills for performing your job. You will learn in detail about the roles and tasks of the confidential adviser and how to proceed from start to finish when you receive a report. And you will know how to conduct the necessary interviews.

Theme 1: Exploration

You get a picture of the breadth in which undesirable behaviour can manifest itself. In doing so, we also explore your own (pre)judgements and skills with regard to the issue. You are brought up to speed on the legal context from which policies against (sexual) harassment, aggression and violence originate. The new House for Whistleblowers Act will also be discussed. You will receive concrete tips on how to optimise the complaints procedure in force in your organisation.

Theme 2: Role and tasks of the confidential adviser

What does the work of the confidential adviser look like? We go through the work area and the tasks. It is also explicitly stated what is not the task of the confidential adviser and what is the difference, for example, with the tasks of a complaints committee.

Theme 3: Handling a report from start to finish, the first conversation and then?

A report, a complaint….and then? Step by step, we explore the possibilities together. We use the escalation ladder, a tool for the conversations. Attention is paid to the (first) interview, the procedure and the legal aspects. We do a short conversation exercise based on case studies. We also look at which follow-up steps can be taken.

Extensive practice of conversations (interview skills) and deepening your role as a confidential adviser is possible in the form of a tailor-made follow-up and/or intervision meetings. This can be done individually, but also together with fellow confidential advisers and/or members of the complaints committee, for example. At the end of the day, this is inventoried. Good to know is that SBI Formaat can train both confidential advisers and complaints committees.

View the Dutch version of the training (Basistraining vertrouwenspersonen)

  • 09:30 - 10:00


    Reception with coffee and tea.

  • 10:00 - 12:30

    Start of the training and introduction

    Organisational matters, introduction program and getting to know each other's situation and learning wishes.

    Theme 1: Exploration

    You get an idea of the breadth in which undesirable behaviour can manifest itself. In doing so, we also explore your own prejudices and skills with regard to the problem. You will be informed of the legal context from which the policy against (sexual) harassment, aggression and violence originates. The House for Whistleblowers Act is also discussed. You will receive concrete tips on how to optimise the complaints procedure in force in your organisation.

    Start theme 2: Role and tasks of the confidential counsellor

    What does the work of the confidential counsellor look like? We go through the work area and the tasks. It is also explicitly stated what is not the task of the confidential adviser and what the difference is with the tasks of the complaints committee.

  • 12:30 - 13:30

    Lunch break

  • 13:30 - 16:20

    Start afternoon program

    Continuation theme 2: Role and tasks of the confidential adviser

    Theme 3. Handling a report from start to finish, the first conversation and then?

    A report, a complaint.... And then?  Step by step, we explore the possibilities together. We use the escalation ladder, a tool for the conversations. Attention is paid to the (first) interview, the procedure and the legal aspects. We do a short conversation exercise based on case studies. We are also looking at what follow-up steps can be discussed.

  • 16:20 - 16:30

    Evaluation and end of the training

Beschikbare data

  • Datum

    Duur training
