European Works Council (EWC)

European Works Councils are the key to successful employee participation in multinational companies, and offer you the chance to hear directly from and enter into discussion with European policymakers. According to the European directive that forms the basis for EWC’s, these European Works Councils have the right to give their opinion on major proposals prior to their implementation by management. In addition, members are part of an extensive network of European employee representatives. Participation in an EWC broadens your horizons: you get to know your company from a wider perspective, and you get to meet other Works Council members and union representatives from different European countries.

Not every multinational company is obliged to set up an EWC; certain rules apply. In addition, a company needs to take the initiative to set up an EWC once its employees have formally requested it to do so. Our EWC-Service can help you translate complex European regulations into concrete terms you can easily get to grips with.

SBI Formaat were incredibly helpful in advising Canon when we were writing our new European Works Council agreement. Their level of knowledge and expertise, and capability to handle the complexities that arose during the process, is excellent.
– Laura Wyatt, Canon Europe

Share your experience

Employee participation rights, promoting workplace cooperation in Qatar

The training “employee participation rights, promoting workplace cooperation in Qatar” was implemented by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the ILO Project Office for the State of Qatar, the Qatar Ministry of Administrative Development Labour and Social Affairs, the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands and SBI Formaat.

Unique experience

EWC-meetings are a unique experience. Using interpreters if necessary, you’ll be talking to other employee representatives from the European countries in which your company operates. Every member brings their own language, culture and experience as an employee representative to the table. As a consequence it is not always easy to understand each other correctly and agree on a single point of view.

An open and inquisitive attitude always forms a solid basis for every EWC-member to build on. With our broad knowledge of and experience with industrial relations in different European countries, we are in an ideal position to contribute to better mutual understanding and cooperation on EWC’s. We usually work in English, but we also speak several other European languages.

Active since the early stages

The EWC-Service has been active since 1994 to strengthen the employee participation at European level.

E-learning: EWC Basic Training

Are you new in the EWC or do want to update your EWC knowledge? Then you could definitely benefit from this e-learning! In the online training course “EWC Basic Training” we will bring you up to speed for your role in the European Works Council; reason of existence of the EWC, legal framework, the variety of employee representation in the European countries, the core business and what you can expect from your work in the EWC.

Watch a short introduction below

SGS FinlandI have already been an EWC member for 4 years, yet I have learnt a lot from this course.
It was good to get the legal framework explained in nice and simple manner. The course also offered me practical information and examples to help me with my future work in EWC.
Soile Näppi, SGS Finland

Do you have a question or would you like more information about our services?

We usually communicate in English. However, if you contact the EWC experts, you can also do this in Dutch, German and Spanish.

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