
Remarkable outcomes ETUI 2: training (10/25)

25 november 2019 / Sjef Stoop

25 years of EWC directive, 25 years of EWC Service

True, we provide training for European Works Councils, so we might be a bit biased. Nonetheless, we believe that a lot more people are surprised to find out that many EWCs do not make use of the right to training that the EWC Directive has given them.

According to the ETUI survey, 38% of EWCs did not receive training over the last three years. What the exact reasons are for this lack of training is hard to establish, but a reasonable assumption may be that members of the European Works Councils do not feel strong enough to request such a training. We may assume this because according to ETUI, the number of EWCs that did not receive training is about 35% higher for EWCs without a trade union coordinator, compared to EWCs with a trade union coordinator.

It seems likely that -in general- a EWC with a trade union coordinator is stronger than one without. What do you think?

In one of our next blogs’, we will focus on the topics of the training.

When did your EWC receive training for the last time? Please share.

Sjef Stoop, EWC trainer and advisor

25 years of EWC in 25 blogs

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